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Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Damn but I can't remember everything. I know there was this scientist type fellow, only I don't think he was legit. And somehow he had gotten hold of this black spikey orchid type plant (very prehistoric looking) and it was mine. I forget why he wanted to, but he had to test it and me. To do that he had to switch some of the plants fluids and my blood. I don't remember him taking the blood; only that my arm hurt a LOT from the needle pricks. There were at least three. And all he got was a small vial, that he poured at the base of the plant (and the top of the pot) where there was this line. He explained that he had to do that. And somehow he'd put the plant's fluids into mine. He announced to me that I was 82% manifested, and began to do stupid drama shit about it... like sticking his face into mine to see if my eyes had changed yet and other stupid shit. That was when I noticed he3 was pale brown: a Black mix or maybe whole. Who knows. I would never have noticed if he hadn't been doing the stupid childish drama shit. Picking at my cheek to see if the skin had changed. Things like that. I had the plant in my lap; it was precious to me. And I remember at the beginning of the dream I was afraid he was going to kill it. There was other parts: a path and us in this dunebuggy type vehicle. People along the path shooting missiles and bullets. Me throwing my hands in the air like at a joy ride. "Let's dodge the missils!!!" and us driving along with me having the time of my life over being shot at. There was one person with a weapon as we passed by. It was something similar to a M47 Dragon only the barrel was white and at least twice as long. The tripod that held the weapon up was slightly different, too... and the soldier stood to fire it instead of sitting. He wore a soldier's uniform but it was 2 shades of dark grey, and there were flaps coming off his helmet so you couldn't see his face. And when the missile shot, it was about a forearm long and white with a black stripe along the edge where the warhead was located. When I woke up I actually checked my arm for needle marks or something because of the pain, which was fading rapidly.

Monday, December 20, 2010


It started as a fantasy: the kind you tell yourself to lull into sleep. Never you mind why there were guns and claws involved. I'm pissed about something. Somehow it turned from me deciding suicide was the answer if things played a certain way to me standing near a young soldier whose head was bandaged. I could sense he was very young: maybe early twenties. Can't say he was a private from that, but yeah. Thin. And tranquil. I couldn't see his face for the bandages. A blonde nurse and someone else began rolling his cot down the hospital highway. They did it quite suddenly. I was going with him, at first. The emergency hallway doors were flung back and I could see a beautiful golden gateway. The Sumerian kind with carvings. Enormous. I started to go down the hallway with him but I was stopped just beyond the emergency room doors. That's when I realized he wasn't being taken to the emergency room. This was death to him, and I literally couldn't go any farther. (I did try for a minute to see if I could.) He thought he was being taken in for surgery. It woke me the way these things do. Then my husband called to chat. I told him about it, and I told him that if it was someone attached to his unit they'd be on blackout any minute now. 20 minutes later... well. You know the drill.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I had a nightmare about a slave house, trying to escape, and the redhead that wanted freedom with me. I was in the house and I don't remember why. It was full of people, and I can't remember much except being aware that it was the Xmas season. Very briefly there was a movie star, but I'll talk about her later. She didn't get much air time in the beginning. I wandered to the back of the house and ended up in a room that was hidden from the rest. There was a guy in there who grabbed me and had me cornered. I screamed and cried for help, but no one in the house would come. I couldn't figure out why no one would help me. I can't remember how it happened after that... there was a redhead and she and I decided to escape together. She had long wavy hair. We got outside of the house and really didn't make as good an attempt as we could have, choosing to stand around. The slavers came in beat up old cars, coming home, and she wanted to stand there and stare at the headlights. I tried to hide at least and yelled at her to run or hide or something. She just stood there staring into the headlights. So we were caught again. Somehow it ended up that I was also a guy and not me? Anyway, I stepped outside of his body or something, or maybe was watching someone else. The girl was being hauled away and they had him in the back room. He said, "I don't care about any of this shit." And he/I was thinking, "I just want to go home." Everyone gasped as if to say, "You don't care about the environment?!?!" That kind of sentiment, and I thought it was silly considering they were the slavers. Turned out the reason why no one would help me is because the whole house was in on it. The crazy guy had some sort of machine gun, and in the dream I knew in a detailed way how they worked but damned if I could tell you how right now. The crazy guy put the gun to the man's throat, threatening him against escaping. I felt like he was bluffing, so the guy grabbed the gun's side and pulled this strange sliding mechanism to call the crazy guy's bluff. The gun went off, and the way machine guns do it moved on it's own because the crazy guy wasn't holding it very securely. At first I thought the bullets had maybe went past the one guy's head, but the gun had moved so that the bullets made a slash across his throat. There was blood everywhere and the guy was falling. The crazy guy was hit pretty bad on the head, too. But then again he was holding the gun *and* leaning against the crazy guy in some stupid comic book move. The bullets had somehow bounced and his hair was all matted with his own blood. And the, I didn't see it, but the one guy's head just fell off. It was on the floor. I don't remember what happened next, but somehow I was outside with the ringleader. She was a famous movie star, someone that reminded me of Angelia Landsbury. She owned the house and was the crazy guy's mother or some such relative. The redhead was sitting in a car crying. Her hair had been cut and restyled. It was chinlength now. She cried and cried. Her owners got into the back of the car to be driven away. I was at the passenger window. I said something... can't remember what... "you sure about this?" I think. She didn't answer. "Okay, "I said and backed away. They were driving slowly down the dirt road. The movie star and myself and I'm not sure who else were walking. Then this car starting coming down the road at us. As it got closer I realized it was full of skeletons. There were two adult skeletons in the front seat and in between them was that of a 10 year old girl. They were very very detailed: pieces I didn't even know I knew about. I started to hear the little girl's voice, 'Hi mommy I've brought my sister. Actually I've brought both of my sisters and we've come to take you away." The car swooped over the movie start and that's how they claimed her. I woke up at about that point.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


i remembered the way to the eye doctor on bogrim air field. interesting cause i have never been to bogrim air field. The buildings look old and 50ish